The Association of German Development Services

The Association of German Development Services (AGdD) is the umbrella association for the development service providers recognised by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Our members place or send professionals who want to work in projects initiated within the scope of development cooperation or the Civil Peace Service. The Development Workers Act (EhfG) provides the basis for our work. We are a point of contact for the parliament, government and political parties and engage in in-depth discussions on issues relating to development service. 

Development Service

  • Eine schwarze Kamera liegend auf einem Holztisch.
    How does genuine partnership-based cooperation succeed in the Development Service / Civil Peace Service? What images emerge when I look at our projects and cooperation from a power-critical perspective? The photo competition is dedicated to these questions.
    Get involved!
  • Development worker at work in a field
    The impacts of climate change are complex and vary from place to place. All this means that we must act and invest now. That is why we, the German development services, have launched this proposal for a new programme: the International Climate Service (ICS).
  • There are a few basic requirements that you should meet, if you want to be a professional development advisor. You can find out quickly and easily by using our self-test.
  • Development service is an expression of solidarity through service for a limited period of time. Professionals put their knowledge and experience to use where people work together to overcome poverty, to advocate for political reforms or promote peace.