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Outlook: Photo competition “Decolonial Perspectives”

Images of self and others on an individual and collective level in both the Global South and the Global North are still shaped by the colonial era. This also applies to the visual language. With our photo competition, we want to address this colonial continuity and invite you to take part. 
You will find the complete call for entries with all the details for participation in German and English on this page from 15.03.2025.

Who can take part?

With the AGdD photo competition, we would like to invite all active and returning experts, accompanying partners and employees in the partner organizations to engage with racism-sensitive and power-critical visual language.

What is it about?

We are looking for photographs from the development service that break with colonial continuities and show a change of perspective.
As an introduction, we offer a webinar “Breaking with colonial continuities: production and interpretation of images (photos)” (in German and English) to provide all participants with guidelines for taking photographs or for selecting existing images. 

More about the webinar (English)
More about the webinar (German)
  Participation in the webinar is not mandatory to take part in the photo competition!

How can I take part? 

Further information on the conditions of participation, the call for entries and the jury will be available here shortly.