facts and figures

Development service in figures

At the end of each year, we collect the latest figures on development service. How many professional development workers are working under a development service contract at this point in time? In which countries are they working? How many of them are abroad with their families? How old do professional development workers tend to be? And what is the gender balance?

This is where you can find up-to-date figures. The data are often broken down according to sending agency. There is considerable variation in the number of professionals sent out by the individual sending agencies. And the agencies tend to focus on different geographical regions and fields of work as well.

professional development workers statistic 2024

On 31.12.2024, a total of 746 professional development workers were under contract, including 347 within the Civil Peace Service (ZFD).

Geographical distribution  Professionals per agency  Age  Gender balance  Type of placement

Source: Survey conducted by the Association of Development Services (AGdD)

Reference date: 31.12.2024

Countries of operation

Professionals work in 80 countries around the world. The interactive map shows how many professionals are currently working in each country. 


Regional breakdown

Dienste in Übersee (Service oversea)043474710147
Weltfriedensdienst (World Peace service)01346023
Total in %4,2947,7218,2328,021,74100


Since 2020, the regional allocation of the statistics has been based on the DAC country list (DAC stands for 'Development Assistance Committee' of the European Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD)). Source: www.bmz.de).

Professionals working in Israel and Taiwan (countries which are not on the DAC list) were counted as working in Asia. Africa remains the main regional focus for the deployment of professionals with 47,7%, i.e. almost half of all professionals, followed by Asia (including the Middle East) with 28%. Professional development workers were serving in a total of 80 countries worldwide (in 2023 there were 86 countries). Details can be found in the country statistics.

Age structure

AgeProfessional Development Workers
≤30 years50
31-40 years265
41-50 years196
>50 years235


Gender ratio professional development workers

GenderNumber of professionals


Proportion of professionals serving in the Civil Peace Service Programme

 According to agencies with contract according EhfG; Reference date 31.12.2022

Type of interventionAGIAMONDOCoworkers CFIDienste in Übersee (Service Overseas)EireneforumZFDGIZWorld Peace ServiceTotal
of which civil peace service880544644 9421347