Development service

Development workers are experienced professionals who enter into a development worker service contract to spend a fixed period of time living and working in a country in the Global South. What is special about development worker contracts is that the professionals offer their skills in the spirit of solidarity and do not receive a customary salary.

What is development service?

  • The “Professional Development Workers Guiding Principles” describes a common understanding of International Personnel Cooperation in accordance with the Development Workers Act by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and the seven development service agencies recognised by the state.
  • What are the contractual terms and conditions of service? Andrea Berg, a member of AGdD’s working group on "Social Security and Development Workers’ Contracts" and a team leader at AGIAMONDO, has some answers.
  • For the German development service agencies, partnerships are the essential basis for turning the sustainable development goals laid down in the Agenda 2030 action plan into practical reality.
  • Eine Gruppe von Frauen sitzt im Freien in einem großen Kreis, viele von ihnen in farbenfrohen traditionellen Gewändern. Im Hintergrund sind einfache Steinhäuser und eine malerische Berglandschaft mit schneebedeckten Gipfeln zu sehen. Die Szene vermittelt eine gemeinschaftliche Atmosphäre in einer abgelegenen ländlichen Umgebung.
    People have been sent under the Development Workers Act for half a century. During this time, the world has changed rapidly. In order for development service to continue to have an impact in the future, it must be constantly adapted to new circumstances.
  • Eine Frau steht vor einem Bücherregal, das mit diversen Publikationen gefüllt ist.
    AGdD Executive Director Dr Gabi Waibel spoke with Professor Dr Claudia Warning, Head of Division 3 at the BMZ, about change, priorities and perspectives of development cooperation and the development service.
  • The German Development Workers Act came into force on 18 June 1969. Since then, over 30,000 professionals have left the country to perform development service.