
After spending several years on assignment for the development services, the time comes for all professionals to return home to Germany or elsewhere in the EU. Are you looking forward to coming back? Are you worried that you will experience greater culture shock returning home than you did when you first arrived in your partner country? Are you wondering what might have changed? What prospects you will have on the job market? And how you can draw together all the different private and professional threads from your life here and in your partner country?

This section provides a range of information and suggestions. AGdD's Reintegration Programme will be happy to answer all your job-related queries. Explore our services, find out more and ask us your questions. Take the time to prepare for your return. And once you are back home, go to one of our seminars, where you will meet lots of like-minded people.

  • 50 Jahre Entwicklungshelfer-Gesetz – ein Grund zum Feiern!
    After devepolment service professional development workers always face the question “What’s the next step in my career?” AGdD’s Reintegration Programme specialises in providing counselling on this subject and offers support through a broad range of services.
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  • Personen, die bei einer Workshop-Diskussion Notizen an ein Whiteboard heften.
    AGdD runs a ‘Reintegration Programme’ which provides an exclusive service for professionals returning from development service.
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  • Many former professionals remain involved after returning home. Our "facets of return" illustrate what such an investment might look like.
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  • This online survey was created to gather data on the career as well as the civic commitment of professionals after completing their development service / Civil Peace Service (Ziviler Friedensdienst; ZFD).
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The English version of our website is currently a work in progress. Please contact us if you require any information that is not available yet.