Webinar “Breaking with colonial continuities: production and interpretation of images (photos)”
When: 10th April at 11:00 MEST and 18:00 MEST
The webinar will also take place in German on 25th March: to the registration
What is it about?
In preparation for the AGdD photo competition on the topic of decolonial perspectives, the webinar “Breaking with colonial continuities: production and interpretation of images (photos)” will be held.
Images of the self and the other on an individual and collective level in both the Global South and the Global North are still shaped by the colonial era. This so-called colonial continuity is also reflected in the ways in which photographs and images present the work of professional and development services to the wider public. In the webinar, participants will have the opportunity to practice critical interpretation of photographs and images using concrete examples. They will be introduced to decolonial perspectives in photography and encouraged to explore new ways of visually representing international cooperation.
Facilitator: Stefan Heiß, Head of Public Relations EIRENE Internationaler Christlicher Friedensdienst e.V.
Contact person:
Jasper Hoffmann
Tel.: +49 (0) 228 908 99 32